Invest in TeamUp Jeffco

A partnership providing care and learning supports for Jeffco students

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A partnership providing care and learning supports for Jeffco students

Partnership Supporting Student Learning and Care in the Time of COVID-19

The Jeffco Schools Foundation is proud to announce a new partnership with TeamUp Jeffco, a community initiative founded to provide support for Jeffco Public Schools staff, students, and families with hybrid and remote learning during COVID-19. The Community First Foundation has awarded TeamUp Jeffco the largest Jeffco Hope Fund grant to-date of $186,000 for TeamUp Jeffco to open two Arvada learning community locations beginning January 2021.

“Jeffco Schools Foundation is thrilled to serve as the fiscal sponsor for TeamUp Jeffco,” shared Rick Rush, Jeffco Schools Foundation incoming Chair. “The TeamUp Jeffco program addresses an extreme need for our students right now. The TeamUp Jeffco program is strongly aligned with and advances all three of Jeffco Schools Foundation Five-Year strategic plan priorities of equity, excellence, and engagement. Jeffco Schools Foundation is backing TeamUp Jeffco’s initial pilot program in Arvada with the intent for expansion of successful program components across our Jeffco schools moving forward.”

“There is a need for community members, organizations, and businesses to work together to keep our students safe and learning,” says Jean Boylan, founder and Program Director for TeamUp Jeffco. “With the generous grant from the Community First Foundation Jeffco Hope Fund and support from the Jeffco Schools Foundation, TeamUp Jeffco will begin serving the students and families from Moore Middle School community. We can’t wait to get started!”

Brenda Fletcher, Principal at Moore Middle School stated, “Moore Middle school is dedicated to student learning and engagement, which is increasingly difficult during remote to hybrid shifts in learning models due to COVID-19. We at Moore Middle School are excited to partner with TeamUp Jeffco. We believe the TeamUp Jeffco program will make a huge difference for our Moore Middle School students and families.”

Donations by Check (an option to avoid a 3% transactional fee):

For donations, checks can be sent to avoid the third-party transactions fees.

  • Make checks payable to Jeffco Schools Foundation (note TeamUp Jeffco in the memo).
  • Send checks to Jeffco Schools Foundation, Attn: Mary Junta, 581 Conference Place, Golden, Colorado 80401

Contact: Angela Baber, Executive Director, Jeffco Schools Foundation at or 720-272-0285.