Sip and Support the Jeffco Schools Foundation - Student Art Showcase!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Donate to make a difference - become a community advocate and support our learners, our teachers, and our community!
Every year, our annual gala raises over $150,000 to support Jeffco Public Schools to help our learners, our teachers, and our community thrive. In Lieu of our annual gala, we have decided to highlight Jeffco student artist through our annual, High School Art Show at the Arvada Center.
We are hosting an in person event on Thursday, May 4th at the Arvada Center to showcase our high school artist, hear words from our Superintendent, Tracy Dorland, and raise money to support the Jeffco Schools Foundation. If you are unable to make the event, we hope you will consider a gift to help us reach our fundraising goal.
The Jeffco Schools Foundation has been supporting programs like the arts, STEM labs, high needs schools, and other areas to support the Jeffco Public Schools District for over 40 years.
Click here if you like to purchase tickets or a sponsorship for the Jeffco Student Art Showcase highlighting our high school, student artists.
Thank you for your support, and making Jeffco thrive!